MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP! A Fortean adventure

Friday, November 6, 2009
If you are in the vicinity of London and are interested in Fortean and skeptical topics, do please come to Monsters from the Deep! It promises to be a fascinating journey into the deep sea myths and legends, from the perspective of science.

Registration 10.30-11am. Finish 3pm (QandA session till 3.30pm if you want to stay longer).

No booking required - just show up. Directions here.

SPES/CFIUK present:
An interactive skeptical odyssey – with sound effects! University experts investigate tales of sea-monsters, mermaids, etc.

Saturday, 7th November, 11am-3pm (with good break for lunch) £10.
Free to members of cfi uk, glha, spes, bha, new humanist and subscribers.

Dr Charles Paxton, a scientist from the University of St Andrews, is one of the country’s most qualified cryptozoologists, and he will be running both a lecture and workshop on monsters from the deep – mythical and real. Dr Darren Naish is a researcher at The University of Portsmouth, who will talk about the ‘prehistoric survivor paradigm’ and what it means (or doesn’t mean) for ’sea monster’ sightings. An interactive skeptical odyssey….

Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL – Main Hall.